Privacy Policy

OKKK recognizes the importance of protecting personal information and considers it our social responsibility and duty. Therefore, we have established the following personal information protection policy, which will be thoroughly communicated to and strictly adhered to by all staff, including the site representative.

Personal Information

In this policy, personal information refers to information that can identify an individual, obtained directly or indirectly through our business activities, regardless of the medium or route of acquisition.

Acquisition and Use of Personal Information

Our site will clearly specify the purpose of use when acquiring personal information and will comply with laws and regulations. Acquired personal information will not be handled beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use. Furthermore, if it is necessary to use the information beyond this scope, we will obtain consent from the individual, except in cases provided for by law or regulations.

Safety Management of Personal Information

Our site will take appropriate organizational, human, physical, and technical security measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, alteration, and leakage of acquired personal information.

Disclosure, Correction, and Deletion of Personal Information

Our site will respond to requests for disclosure, correction, and deletion of acquired personal information within a reasonable scope upon request from the individual.

Disclaimer on Disclosure of Personal Information

Our site will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the individual, except in special cases stipulated by law.

Inquiries Regarding Personal Information Protection

For inquiries regarding this policy, please contact our site through the inquiry form.